TIME study documentation#
This website is under active development.
Welcome to TIME study documentation!
The Temporal Influences on Movement and Exercise (TIME) Study used mobile and wearable technologies to measure moment-to-moment experiences that shape our health behaviors and decision making. The goal was to use the data we collected to study how different contextual and situational factors explain the adoption and maintenance of health behaviors, such as physical activity, reduced sitting time, and sleep. The study data collection included using a combination of phone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA), wearable-based micro-EMA (uEMA), and passive sensing to build predictive models of health behavior at the individual and group levels. The study used a within-subject case-crossover observational design run with ethnically-diverse emerging adults (ages 18-29), each for up to a 12-month period. Interested researchers are suggested to read the two protocol paper to find more details about the study.
Question and feedback about the data#
Our goal is to have as many researchers as possible use the unique dataset we have collected, and we welcome feedback from researchers about how we might help the research community do that. Please let us know if you have questions about the study, dataset, or suggestions regarding the codebooks. The best way to give us feedback is to open an issue on our GitHub site.
Main contact#
Genevieve Dunton, PhD, MPH
Stephen S. Intille, Ph.D.